November 22-23, 2019
Department of Philosophy, National Chengchi University, Taipei
The 1st International Conference of Heidegger Circle in Asia
The 1st International Conference of Heidegger Circle in Asia
November 22-23, 2019
Teaching Lab for Interactive Learning, 1st Floor of RIIC, uphill campus of NCCU, Taipei 國立政治大學研創中心一樓「互動式講堂」
The conference will be conducted in English
- Organizer
- Heidegger Circle in Asia
- Department of Philosophy, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
- Center of Phenomenology, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
- Research Center for Chinese Cultural Subjectivity in Taiwan, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
- Co-organizer
- Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan
- Office of Research and Development, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
- Institute of Philosophy, Ewha Womans University, Korea
About the Conference and Heidegger Circle in Asia (HCIA)
Since Heidegger’s philosophy was introduced into Asian nations in the early 20th century, it is always attractive for Asian philosophers. This is not only because Heidegger’s philosophy has a huge amount of influence on the development of Western philosophy, but also because it has many resonances for them. Many Asian scholars went to the Western to study Heidegger and came back to their own countries to spread his philosophy.
Heidegger’s philosophy is popular in Asia because it is, to some extent, particularly close to Asian ways of thinking. It is also worth noting that Heidegger was interested in East Asian thinking about Taoism and Buddhism and his discussions on them can be found in some of his works.Accordingly, many scholars have conducted researches and conferences about the relationship between Heidegger and East Asian philosophy since 1970s. Especially after 1990, there are more and more East Asian scholars who devote themselves to this subject matter. Of course, there are not only Heidegger-scholars from East Asian, but also from Western and Southern Asian. Those Asian scholars may focus on different sides of Heidegger’s philosophy and interpret it respectively from their own cultural perspectives, so that their interpretations actually reflect the diversity of Asian reception of Heidegger’s philosophy. However, those Heidegger-scholars from different parts of Asia seldom gather together to exchange their opinions, while they often discuss with scholars from their own country or from the Western.
In order to promote more intercultural dialogues about Heidegger’s philosophy within those Asian scholars from different cultural traditions, we have set up a round table named “Heidegger and Asia” at the 24th World Congress of Philosophy in Peking in 2018. Directly after this round table, the participants decided to ground an international network for more possibilities to exchange their ideas deeply and named it the Heidegger Circle in Asia (HCIA). The main aim of HCIA is to facilitate discussions between Heidegger-scholars in Asia and their mutual understanding. The HCIA would held an international conference every year and welcome any contributions: (1) to discuss Heidegger’s thought about Asia and Asian philosophy; (2) to discuss his philosophy in Asia; (3) to compare his philosophy with Asian thinking; and (4) to exchange intercultural interpretations of his philosophy within Asia. The first conference of HCIA will take place in Taipei City on November 23-24, 2019 and be conducted in English. Authors are kindly invited to submit their papers on every related topic.
由於當代德國哲學家海德格(Martin Heidegger)的思想在某程度上與亞洲的傳統哲思理路有所共鳴,因而向來在亞洲地區相當受到歡迎。值得注意的是,海德格也對道家與佛家等東亞思想充滿興趣,並曾在其作品中有零星的討論,只不過西方學界以往並不太認真對待這件事情罷了。要一直到1970年代以降,才陸續有學者就海德格與東亞哲學的關係舉辦研討會、進行相關研究計劃,尤其是自1990年起,終於有越來越多的東亞學者投身研究這個論題。近年來躍身為海德格哲學研究的一份重要學術刊物《海德格年鑑》(Heidegger-Jahrbuch),更在2013年出版其第七卷年刊《海德格與東亞思想》(Heidegger und das ostasiatische Denken),從不同角度來討論兩者間的異同處。這表示此一論題終已可被西方海德格學者們接納為海德格研究中的一項研究議題。
有鑒於此,國立政治大學哲學系蔡偉鼎副教授與韓國梨花女子大學哲學系的Choong-Su Han(韓忠洙)助理教授遂致力於促進這些擁有不同文化背景的亞洲海德格學者之間進行跨文化的對話。其首先於2018 年8 月在北京舉辦的第24 屆世界哲學大會上籌組了「Heidegger and Asia」圓桌會議,邀請了伊朗、菲律賓、中國大陸、台灣、韓國、日本的學者與會發表論文(可惜後來伊朗學者因簽證問題而不克到場)。該場圓桌會議甫結束,蔡偉鼎與Choong-Su Han教授兩人隨即倡議組織一個國際性的學術社群,以俾日後還能持續進行交流。當時除了與會的論文發表者外,還有另一些現場聆聽的學者也深表認同此一想法,這些學者包括當時也在世界哲學大會中籌組另一場議題相關之圓桌會議「Heidegger, Chinese Philosophy and Politics」的中研院文哲所何乏筆教授。在天時、地利、人和的情況下,我們在當天順利成立了一個名為「Heidegger Circle in Asia」(中譯名為「亞洲海德格學圈」)的國際學術網絡,簡稱為「HCIA」,迄今已登記之成員共有19名。
HCIA的主要目標在於推動亞洲海德格學者彼此間更密切的學術討論與相互理解。因此,HCIA規劃每年召開一次國際研討會,輪流在不同的國家舉行。此外,考慮到大多數亞洲學者的第一外語均為英語,故HCIA的會議語言亦規定為英語——儘管我們也希望參與的學者能擁有基本的德語能力,以利能深入討論海德格原典之內容細節。HCIA 的年度國際研討會不但是個提供所屬會員發表學術論文的平台,亦歡迎任何對於相關議題有興趣的學者先進共襄盛舉,並希望所發表的論文能在內容上涉及到以下任一面向:(1)海德格有關亞洲與亞洲哲學的思想;(2)亞洲各地對海德格哲學的研究;(3)海德格哲學與亞洲思想間的比較研究;(4)亞洲各地對海德格哲學的跨文化詮釋。
Conference Rules
Conference Guidelines:
- For each section, there are three continuous presentations followed by a general discussion. Presenters will be introduced by the host of the section and give presentations for 30 minutes.
- 30 minutes for each general discussion (including Q&A).
- All presentations are conducted in English.
Procedural Rules:
- Presentation Session: There are 30 minutes for each presentation. Each presenter will be reminded with a short bell ring at the last 3 minutes and twice while time is up. The bell rings every 30 seconds for exceeding time limit.
- General Discussion: At the end of each section, there are 30 minutes for open discussion and Q&A session. Each question in Open Discussion is restricted to 5 minutes. The bell rings once at the last 30 seconds and twice while time is up.