地點:集思台大會議中心 尼采廳 (台北市羅斯福路四段85號B1)
14:10 - 15:50《思考中華民國》
與談人:葉 浩(國立政治大學政治學系副教授) 楊孟軒(美國密蘇里大學歷史系副教授)



與談人葉 浩


15:50 - 16:00 中場休息
16:00-17:30 「台灣新世代的文化認同」青年學者論壇
梁 靧(國立臺灣大學哲學所博士生)




與談人梁 靧



華人文化認同的危機與重建 研討會
時間:2021年11月20日(六) 9:00~17:00 2021年11月21日(日) 9:00~12:00
地點:國立政治大學 行政大樓七樓會議室二、三、五
中心簡介 #Introduction
本研究中心獲得臺灣教育部高教深耕計畫補助成立後,自覺地嘗試立基在「全球東方」的潮流中,以「華語語系」(sinophone)概念切入,將研究視野從傳統的「漢學」(Sinology)與「中國研究」(Chinese Studies),擴大到全球各地使用「華語語系」的文化社群。本中心透過研究全球脈絡下的華人的文化表現,反溯華人的思維、感受、時空概念與超越性等主體性範疇,以回答「華人是誰?」的問題;一方面建構非基於血統與國籍等種族與政治身分的華人概念,另一方面,也使「人」的概念界定不受西方中心主義的局限。
Introduction to the “Research Center for Chinese Cultural Subjectivity in Taiwan”
Chinese culture is not only an essential component of Chinese-speaking societies but also a common legacy for the whole of humanity. The study of Chinese civilization and history has thrived in various aspects through a long period of time. In the present, the rise of China naturally attracts attention across the globe. However, in Western academia, the investigation of Chinese culture is often relegated to area studies with highly specialized research paradigms according to which the various aspects of Chinese culture can only be objects of historical research. Instead, our research center wants to demonstrate that academic theory-making can also happen in a non-Western context, through the use of Chinese cultural concepts and discourses. While we use a broad array of methodologies, our “Research Center for Chinese Cultural Subjectivity in Taiwan” aims at creating new knowledge about Chinese culture(s) from a situated perspective.
Taiwan, with its unique historical experience, has been in a better position to preserve and re-articulate traditional Chinese culture than mainland China (the People’s Republic of China). In the face of China’s increasing expansion in the political, economic and cultural area, our goal is to develop new parameters to understand Chinese cultural subjectivity in an open and democratic society. Taiwan is in a privileged position to take up the responsibility of rebuilding Chinese academic traditions and establishing new languages for the study of Chinese culture(s). Our research center has been established in early 2018, thanks to generous funding from the Taiwanese Ministry of Education. It is interdisciplinary and includes more than 20 professors and researchers from the fields of Philosophy, Religious Studies, History, Chinese literature, Linguistics, and Digital Humanities at National Chengchi University in Taipei. Our research activities cover mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, North America, South East Asia, and other regions around the globe. By comparing different countries and regions, our “Research Center for Chinese Cultural Subjectivity in Taiwan” aims at exploring in depth the multifaceted experiences of being Chinese and living in Chinese-speaking societies today.

- 「表達現象學與漢字」公開專題課程
- 「華人美學與山水畫」工作坊
- 「道教與物質文化─圖像、藝術、神話與文學論壇」系列活動
- 「馬來西亞興化群賢錄數位人文研究平台」合作案
- 籌備「2021年東亞古典籍人文數字國際研討會」
- 加拿大Brock University 哲學系榮譽教授陳榮灼教授講授
- 香港中文大學關子尹教授
- 德國柏林馬克斯·普朗克研究中心的主任Dagmar Schaefer教授
- 楊孟軒教授(密蘇里大學哥倫比亞分校歷史系助理教授)
- 劉千美教授(加拿大多倫多大學東亞系教授)
- Brian Bruya教授(美國東密西根大學歷史與哲學系教授)
- L001 川合康三 中國的詩學 政大出版社
- A2001 馬愷之 主體、工夫與行動:朱熹哲學的新探索 政大出版社
- A3001 蔡英俊 游觀、想像與走向山水之路:自然審美感受史的考察 政大出版社
- B1001 郭承天 Transfiguration of Chinese Christianity: Localization and Globalization 政大出版社
- B1002 郭承天 向下扎根,向上結果:2019現代中國本土基督教神學之發展研討會論文集 政大出版社
- B3001 謝世維 鴻濛妙觀:道教文化研究之多元面向 新文豐
- B3002 謝世維 道密法圓:道教與密教之文化研究 新文豐
- B3003 謝世維 諦觀法界:東亞視域下的華嚴思想 新文豐
- B3004 謝世維 道法縱橫:歷史與當代地方道教 新文豐
- B3005 謝世維 仙人指路:10個故事帶你進入道教的神秘世界 秀威資訊科技
- 華人思維模式研究群年會: 華人類思維研究研討會 (109/11/23)
- 華人傳統類思維模式研究工作坊 (109/11/16)
- 東西方哲學中的類思維研究研討會 (109/11/30)
- 華人類思維系列講座
- 華人『歷史記憶』中的『類思維』系列講座
- 華人宗教性研究群年會: 華人宗教的在地與跨界經驗:主客易位的對比研究學術研討會 (109/11/26~27)
- 道教與物質文化 ─圖像、藝術、神話與文學論壇 (109/12/11~12)
台灣民間宗教與地方社會──以嘉南平原為例 田調成果發表會 (109/10/20.27) - 華人宗教與地方社會系列講座 高榮禧:榮格談宗教與煉金術 (109/11/30)
- 華人宗教與地方社會系列講座 賴思妤:行走江戶──日本江戶時代五嶽真形圖的知識人接受與行旅文化 (109/11/30)
- 華人倫理實踐研究群年會: 實踐與意義建構──危機轉型中的華人文化主體性:醫療與照顧研討會 (109/12/04~05)
- 台灣佛教史料蒐集與數據庫論壇 (109/10/24)
- 華人家庭主義文化脈絡裡的照顧: 照顧倫理與照顧主體際性的反思與創新論壇 (109/11/27)
人文‧家園‧照護系列 生態照顧:以傳統泰雅農耕文化為例工作坊 (109/10/14) - 「跨領域視域下的心理、療癒與照護」系列演講 彭仁郁-有一種傷想要拯救全世界-人際[政治]暴力創傷療癒 (109/11/13)
- 華人數位人文研究群年會: 「空間與觀念:數位視野下華人文化主體性研究」工作坊 (109/12/01)
- 華人美學與山水畫工作坊 (109/12/07)
- 台灣佛教史料蒐集與數據庫論壇 (109/10/24)
- 數位人文課程 唐牧群:以Gephi進行社會網絡分析與視覺化 (109/11/13)
- 慈濟基金會數位典藏與數位人文工作坊
- 靜心中學數位人文工具輔助探究式學習課程計劃
- 中心博士級研究員於新住民和東南亞文化NGO進行通識性授課與演講
- 雲嘉南文史與宗教田野調查之旅
- 「道教與物質文化-圖像、藝術、神話與文學論壇」學術研討會
- 東南亞伊斯蘭文明課程與新住民NGO交流
- 「人文.家園.照護」系列規劃工作坊
- 「華人家庭主義文化脈絡裡的照顧」論壇
- 「台灣佛教史料與數據庫」論壇
- 「跨領域視域下的心理療癒與照護」
- 2020照顧哲學/實踐與意義建構—危機轉型中的華人文化主體性
- 高長空(A群 華人思維模式研究群)
- 葉先秦(B群 華人宗教性研究群)
- 林淑芬(C群 華人倫理實踐研究群)
- 衛易萱(D群 華人數位人文研究群)
- 許煜《論中國的技術問題—宇宙技術初論》
- 宗教學與數位工具讀書會
- 台灣白色恐怖時期的東南亞華人受難者
- 基督教脈絡下中國本土基督教的興起
- 實踐與意義建構
- 類比思維:比較視角下的中國哲學
- 戰爭記憶與現代社會:戰後台灣人的認同錯亂
- 政大華人文化講座VI : 思維現象學
- 表達現象學與漢字 專題公開課 Séminaire : Phénoménologie de L’expression et Écriture Chinoise
- 2020照顧哲學系列──「跨領域視域下的心理、療癒與照護」
- 2020照顧哲學—「人文‧家園‧照護」 系列
- 「歷史記憶」工作坊
- 「台灣民間宗教與地方社會—以嘉南平原為例」田調成果發表會
- 博士獎助生
- 碩士獎助生
- 贛東北地方道教:以上饒、信州、廣豐、橫峰為中心
Chinese Culture Subjectivity Research Center (CCS) has endeavored outstanding research highlights and successfully brought international attention from 2018 on by holding events like “International Summit of Sinophone Culture Studies,” “NCCU Lecture on Chinese Culture” and “Master Class.” Our research performance includes holding more than two hundred academic events, publishing research efforts, implementing the “Digital Work Platform for Humanity” and the “Virtual School for Sinophone Culture Studies”, and publishing a series of books on “Chinese Cultural Subjectivity Research.”
Our research goal since 2020 is to establish models for “Sinophone Studies in Anthropology,” “Sinophone Studies in Plurality,” “Sinophone Studies in Practice,” and “Sinophone Studies in Digital Realm.” Our research plan includes Sinophone analogical reasoning, field research on Southeast Asian Chinese religions and cultural diversity, Chinese religious ethics and philosophy of caregiving. We have also carried out our research project on the Digital Work Platform for Humanity featuring the Image Retrieval Tool Based on Automatic Image Annotation.
The research center has held the “Southeast Asia Summit of Sinophone Culture Studies” and the “Euro-American Summit of Sinophone Culture Studies” respectively in 2018. The former has been attended by ten important institutes for Sinophone culture studies from Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand. The latter has been attended by seven representative institutes from France, Russia, Great Britain, Hungary and Slovenia. Through these two international meetings, we have initiated the interaction with the international community for Sinophone culture studies, and we have also conveyed our messages on international research collaboration. Later in 2019, We continued to hold the “International Conference on Southeast Asia Chinese Culture” and “Sinophone Studies in Europe and the Americas: International Young Scholars Conference.” In the former conference, we have reached a consensus with the participants about holding the “Forum on Southeast Asian Chinese Culture” in Southeast Asia every year in the next 3 years, so as to build the international research network for Southeast Asian Chinese culture studies. The proposal has received tremendous feedback. University Tunku Abdul Rahman from Malaysia has agreed to collaborate with our research center to hold the very first “Forum on Southeast Asian Chinese Culture” in Malaysia in 2020. As for the “Sinophone Studies in Europe and the Americas International Young Scholars Conference,” we received applications from 66 young scholars from more than 30 countries around the globe after the conference information was released. Eventually we invited 16 young scholars from more than 10 countries, including ones from the University of Oxford, to come participate in the conference in Taiwan. This academic activity has received attention and support from the National Library, which co-organized the conference with us. We hope to create such occasions for international young scholars in Sinophone Culture Studies to come to Taiwan and have discussions with local research students. Building mutual contact as early as possible can increase Taiwan’s influence in the international community for Sinophone Culture Studies.
Internationally, every university with a long history and rich academic resources creates its representative lectures, to express their concerns for human civilization and to reflect on contemporary issues. For example, the Gifford Lectures, created in the University of Edinburgh in Great Britain, keep investigating natural theological questions essentially important to the western culture in its history of over 100 hundred years. Harvard University, Stanford University and Yale University take turns in holding the Tanner Lectures on Human Values, which cultivates numerous elites in contemporary philosophy. Many important contemporary trends and thoughts derive from the lectures. Our university has established the Chinese Culture Subjectivity Research Center (CCS), which is funded by the Higher Education Sprout Project of the Ministry of Education in Taiwan. We take our responsibility to create the lectures specially designed for Chinese Culture, in order to raise the global visibility and enhance academic quality of Chinese culture studies. We also hope to create new and creative ways of thinking in the Chinese academic community. For this very purpose, the research center has created “NCCU Lecture on Chinese Culture.” We hope to invite locally and internationally renowned scholars who have distinctive insights in Chinese culture subjectivity research to give a series of five lectures respectively. The content of lectures will be collected and published in order to further promote international exchange and to enrich the database of Sinophone Culture Studies.
From 2018 to 2019, the research center has held NCCU Lectures on Chinese Culture. The lecturers and the topics are carefully selected as below:
- (1) Prof. Günter Senft, a senior investigator at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Germany, gave five lectures on “Languages and Cultural Subjectivity.”
- (2) Prof. Yang Rur-Bin from the Institute of Philosophy, National Tsing-Hua University, gave five lectures on “Confucianism and Modern China.”
- (3) Prof. Dr. Lau Kwok-Ying from the Philosophy Department, CUHK, gave five lectures on” Phenomenology and the Practice of Intercultural Understanding.”
- (4) Prof. Fenggang Yang from Purdue University, USA, gave five lectures on “Research on Religion in China: Deepening Explorations in Theory and Method”.
- (5) Prof. Haun Saussy from the University of Chicago, USA, gave five lectures on “The Nine Relays: Literary Communication Across Premodern Asia.”
The research center invites one to two internationally renowned scholars to open courses in NCCU, so as to renovate the course planning and to broaden the horizon of our students. So far, we have invited Prof. Tze-wan Kwan from Chinese University of Hong Kong to do a research exchange at our center for three months in 2018. We also asked him to give a master class titled “Chinese Language and Script in Philosophical Perspective” during the exchange. In 2019, Prof. Kawai Kozo, a Japanese emeritus professor from Kyoto University, was invited to open a master class on “Chinese Poetics.” Through this activity, students can observe closely those masters’ way of doing research, and they can also systematically learn from international scholars their important research findings.
From 2018 to 2019, the research center has implemented the Digital Humanities Research Platform of Luo Chia-Lun’s documents (http://lcl.ssicrd.nccu.edu.tw/) and also the Universal Type Digital Humanities Research Platform on Chinese Ancient Books (http://ming.ncl.edu.tw/). To facilitate the educational use of the Digital Humanities Research Platform, the research center has created the “Digital Humanities Platform on Chinese Culture Subjectivity” (http://dhccs.ccstw.nccu.edu.tw/), featuring three computational tools invented by our research assistants: “Image Retrieval Tool Based on Automatic Image Annotation,” “Observation Tool of Viewpoint Migration” and “Ancient Chinese Sentence Segmentation System.” In addition, we collaborate with the University of Malaysia to build the “Database of Southeast Asian Chinese Culture.” We have also bought databases such as “China and the Modern World” and “Gale Scholar-Archives Unbound.” An international digital platform for Sinophone culture studies is expected to be implemented in the near future with abundant resources and advanced technology.
The research center continues to record “NCCU Lecture on Chinese Culture,” “Master Class” and other academic conferences. The videos will be released online to the public, so people who are interested in Sinophone Culture Studies around the globe can learn the newest research through the website of our research center. With the online courses of the Virtual School for Sinophone Culture Studies, Taiwan can contend with the Confucius Institutes founded by China around the world and fight for the right to interpretation of Chinese culture.
To allow scholars to efficiently learn about the research on Chinese cultural subjectivity, we will plan the publication of a series of research papers on Chinese cultural subjectivity. A thorough and complete series of books can serve as a reference database of Sinophone culture studies.