【新刊快訊】Berliner China-Hefte/Chinese History and Society Volume 51: Intercultural Dialogue across Borders: China between Tradition and Modernity

【新刊快訊】Berliner China-Hefte/Chinese History and Society Volume 51: Intercultural Dialogue across Borders: China between Tradition and Modernity



  • Editor: Jens Damm, Hauke Neddermann
  • Publication Date: 30 May 2020



This issue of the Berliner Chinahefte/Chinese History and Society deals with cultural exchanges between China and the outside world and with their impact, mostly in terms of questions regarding tradition and modernity.

China is understood more as an area composed of certain cultural elements which may include the Chinese (and Taiwanese) diaspora, where a sense of belonging still exists, and which exerts influence on everyday culture and habits.



  1. Jens Damm: Introduction
  2. Lu Cheng-Heng: One Family, Four Worlds: Koxinga’s Descendants and Nationalism across Modern East Asia
  3. Jens Damm: China and the Ethnic Chinese Diaspora in Southeast Asia: Discourses, Perceptions and Cultural Diplomacy
  4. Sun Lixin: Ernst Faber un Richard Wilhelm: Unterschiedliche Perspektiven zweier Missionare auf China
  5. Udo B. Barkmann: Zur Genese mongolischer Identität im Nationalstaat
  6. Adina Zemanek: Gender, Power and the Gaze in the Taiwanese TV Series Falling (2013)
  7. Tsung-lun Alan Wan: Language Revitalization and Perceived Language Shift: A Case of Kinmenese Hokkien
  8. Li Xue: “Halls” and”Bureaus” between the 1860s and the 1890s: The Transformation of Local Philanthropic Organizations and their Managers in Yangzhou
  9. Paul Lim: Research Note: An Archival Report on the European Union and China Trade Negotiations in the 1970s


Conference Reports/ Konferenzberichte

  1. “China’s Silkroad Initiative: Concepts and Actors”; hosted by Prof. Dr. Nele Noesselt, Universität Duisburg-Essen, and Prof. Dr. Katja Levy, Freie Universität Berlin, Confucius Institute at Freie Universität Berlin, 28-29 June 2019 (Jens Damm)
  2. “Taiwan’s Cultural Diplomacy: A Decade of Intercultural Discovery”; Universität Wien, 25-27 October 2019 (Jens Damm)


Book Reviews/Rezensionen

  1. Zhang Guogang 張國剛, Zhong-Xi wenhua guanxi tongshi 中西文化關係通史[Geschichte der Beziehungen zwischen China und dem Westen](Mechthild Leutner)
  2. Ouyang Zhesheng 歐陽哲生, Gdai Beijing yu Xifang wenming 古代北京與西方文明[Das alte Peking und die Zivilisation des Westens](Mechthild Leutner]
  3. Matthias Messmer und Hsin-Mei Chuang, China an seinen Grenzen: Erkundungen am Rand eines Weltreichs(Udo B. Barkmann)
  4. Gert Kaster/Stadtarchiv Qingdao, Die Vogelschaupläne von Tsingtau(Ulrich van der Heyden)
  5. Michael Dillon (Hg.), Encyclopedia of Chinese History(Hauke Neddermann)
  6. Xing Lu, The Rhetoric of Mao Zedong: Transforming China and Its People(Hauke Neddermann)

Notes on Contributors


Link: LIT Verlag

All Right Reserved to the Author and Sources





