“Research Center of Chinese Cultural Subjectivity” (CCS) of National Chengchi University (NCCU) was established in 2018 as a Featured Areas Research Center Program within the framework of the Higher Education Sprout Project by the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Taiwan, expecting to operate till 2021. CCS comprises four main research groups and twenty-six researchers from NCCU, and four post-doctoral fellows.
四大研究群並包括有 26 位政大專任教授共同擔任研究團隊成員
The principle investigator is prof. ZHANG Kuan-da (chair professor of dept. of History), the director is prof. LIN Yuan-tze (prof. and chair of dept. of Philosophy), and with four deputy directors from each main research group: prof. Kai Marchal (dept. of philosophy), prof. TSAI Yuan-lin (graduate institute of religious studies), prof. CHEN Wan-chen (MA program of counseling and guidance), and prof. CHENG Wen-huei (dept. of Chinese literature).
CCS has set up an Executive Committee composed of twenty-six researchers to help to facilitate cohesiveness by keeping everyone in the loop with alignment and decision-making. It has also created an Advisory Committee composed of distinguished scholars to offer guidance and advice for the development and future orientation of CCS.

CCS aims to explore diverse perspectives on Chinese culture in contemporary circumstances and to integrate the research of our various specialists to develop a sense of what the essentials of being “Chinese” and being a “human being” in global contexts are . CCS has four main research groups as below.
Research Group A – Modalities of Chinese Thinking
Research Group A is designed to explore the inseparable relationship between thinking and language with special attention to the characteristics of the Chinese language and script in the context of linguistics, philosophy, and history. Owing to the fact that the Chinese language and script serve as the most important medium for representing the essentials of Chinese culture, we expect to redevelop its subjectivity and its community by focusing on various perspectives on interpreting Chinese culture since the May Fourth New Cultural Movement.
Research group A has four sub-groups as following:
- A1 – Studies of Chinese Language and Script
- A2 – Trans-cultural Studies of East & West: Comparative Philosophy
- A3 – Aesthetic Studies in Chinese Literature
- A4 – Studies of Chinese Historical Consciousness
Research Group B – Studies of Chinese Religions
In facing the phenomena of conflicts and crises caused by the rise of religious fundamentalism certain issues concerning how religions are drawn into the public realm must be examined. Research group B is designed to reconsider the implications of belief and concern for worldly conditions in Chinese Religions as well as the phenomena concerning the reception of foreign religions in Chinese communities. It is designed to investigate the way Chinese religions operate with respect to their belief systems by doing textual analysis, field studies, and adopting new digital technologies. Through these methods and those of comparative religious studies we hope to help establish dialogue among different religious communities.
Research group B has three sub-groups as following:
- B1 – Studies of Post-Secular Society
- B2 – Comparative Studies of Religion
- B3 – Field Studies of Contemporary Chinese Religions
Research Group C – Chinese Ethical Practice
Research Group C is designed to reconsider the basis of Daoist philosophy for offering new perspectives for sustaining natural ecosystems. It will also provide philosophical and Buddhist viewpoints on therapeutics such as issues concerning hospice care, an aging society, etc. It will also trace the implications of Confucian ethics for contemporary civil society.
Research group C has two sub-groups as follows:
- C1 – Studies of Chinese Applied Ethics
- C2 – Studies of Logostherapy in Chinese Communities
Research Group D – Chinese Digital Humanities
Research group D is designed to develop interdisciplinary research and its applications by applying digital technologies and the methods of humanities. Text-analyzing and data-mining will be used to study important Chinese conceptions in different spatio-temporal phases. It will also work with the aid of a geographic information systems and data-visualization so that new horizons and approaches to humanities and interdisciplinary research are revealed.
Research group D has three sub-groups as follows:
- D1 – Digital Platform and Archive Science
- D2 – Social Networks and Culture-Mapping in Chinese Communities
- D3 – Image/Text-Mining Concerning Chinese Conceptions
A. 華人思維模式研究群
B. 華人宗教性研究群
C. 華人倫理實踐研究群
D. 華人數位人文學研究群
本研究群目標透過數位人文學研究方法,運用數位技術與人文學科研究進行對話,發展跨學科、跨領域的研究與應用。本研究群將透過文本分析方法,分析文本中的詞彙變遷,並從中探索人文化主體性觀念的形成與演變,及國族建構與文化認同等重要議題;或藉由地理資訊系統(Geographic Information System)的輔助,進行視覺化(visualization)呈現與時空分析,為人文學研究開拓新的研究視野;以及建構一個以華文為主的數位平台,提供多元的分析工具,亦能將本中心的相關研究成果與研究資料數位化,不僅有利於人文社會學者的研究,更能為人文學研究本身,提供新的方法論與研究進路。