
本中心致力於四個研究群的跨領研究,具體規劃透過短中長期的實施步驟,來進行橫向的統整。 短期內,先由各組回顧各該領域迄今為止的研究成果,中期再由各群整合各組的觀點,以達到在最後兩年能達到中心設定最後的目標,亦即能對華人文化主體性做出輪廓清楚的說明。本研究中心未來發展方向所期許的,因而不只是從事於文化現象的事實性研究,而是能從文化現象分析出其具有的普遍性意義,以能建構屬於華人文化自身的文化科學,最後再提升到文化哲學的研究高度,以反溯回華人文化創造的主體根源。以求能透過文化的自覺,而接引產生文化發展的新形態。


CCS is devoted to integrating the collaboration of four different research groups and their relevant fields. Firstly, each research group is required to review the foundation of its field, then conduct an exchange of viewpoints. An open discussion will be held, so as to discuss the ideas and practices of what Chinese culture subjectivity are, appear to be, and should be. The research guideline of CCS is to construct a so-called “cultural science” to serve as Chinese culture itself by analyzing the universal horizon of cultural phenomena, instead of merely describing them. Apart from integrating within CCS, relevant researcher institutes and scholars and certain civil organizations will be invited to participate in the hope of building a shared horizon for common society in the global context.